Thursday, October 16, 2014

Yay a new post!

Hi Friends!

It's been too long! I've been trying to make a new site for awhile but nothing is coming out to my liking so I've decided to stick with this one for awhile. This way I can still bring you updates about the art room here at HES.

On another note...

I'm touched and honored to be part of such a wonderful and amazing school community. All of the heartfelt efforts that are going into saving Tyson have been so incredible. It makes me smile from ear to ear knowing that this work of art we created together means so much to everyone! Hopefully he'll get to stay and we'll be able to enjoy seeing Tyson in front of our school for many years to come. :)

Stay tuned for some art project updates. All the first projects of the school year have already been hanging in the hallways and we are currently working on our Square 1 Art projects! Hopefully I'll be able to start sending some work home soon. The beginning of the year can be funny in that way. But that's one reason why it's great to check in here from time to time. 

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