Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Workings of the Art Room

The colored blocks correspond with the table colors in my room. Each week they are moved around so one table doesn't have to do the same task every class. 

This is our Catch up Board...students can look here to see if there is a project that they need to finish. This helps to keep them organized and on task. I saw that "catch" up bottle on a pinterst post and out of that I painted my own and designed the rest. 

I use my poster holder to store student work. Each table has their own colored folder and each class is grouped together and stored by day of the week.

I have an art center for when students have some extra time towards the end of class. Here they can use molding clay to build, work on mazes, and practice drawing with the drawing books as guides. 

They may also sit on the carpet and read an art book.

This is my way to monitor noise levels in the art room. Before the first smiley comes down I give one warning. Then if it is still too noisy I'll remove one smiley and it's silent art for two minutes. If the first two get taken down then it's silent art for the rest of class. 


  1. Wonderful classroom management!! This is truly impressive for a first year teacher. Everything is so well thought out and organized!!

  2. Mrs,hua your forgot to put up your mr.brushes the poster.
