Sunday, November 17, 2013

ColorCycle Program

Hi! I'm very excited to announce that I will be coordinating the Crayola ColorCylce program at HES! This is a wonderful way to help reduce the amount of waste on Earth while creating clean usable fuel. In case you missed the e-mail that went out here is a copy. :) Please check out this quick video. How ColorCylce works

November 17, 2013

Dear HES Families,

I’m excited to tell you about a very special program I’m coordinating at our school in conjunction with Crayola. It’s called Crayola ColorCycle – an amazing new program devised to turn used markers into energy!

All around Hopewell students and teachers will be collecting used markers that are ready to be discarded. The markers will be sent to a facility where they will be converted into clean fuel. This fuel can be used to power vehicles, heat homes, cook meals and more!

Please help support our efforts by sending your kids in with any used markers you may have around the house – even non-Crayola brands (Sharpies, dry erase markers, highlighters, etc.!). A drop-off box will be located next to the Art room.

Thank you in advance for participating! With the help of parents/guardians like you across the country, the Crayola ColorCycle program can keep tons of plastic out of landfills each year.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Remember, don’t throw out that used marker—ColorCycle it!


Mrs. Hua

Learn more at

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