Friday, January 4, 2013

A new year, a new blog

Welcome! I'm so excited to unveil this to all of you. I'd like to start by saying thank you so much for coming to visit my blog and also supporting the arts. This site will continue to get better and better as the year goes on so come back often!

My mission...
1. I'd like this to be a place were parents can see inside the art room and experience what we have worked on and are currently working on. As well as getting an idea of how the art room works, including our studio rules and classroom procedures.

2. I want to provide a space where students can come to find reminders about things they need to bring and news about new happenings in the art room. Here students can also find online resources to explore art at home in the student news/resource section.

3. Art educators are always looking for new ideas or ways they can put a new twist on a classroom favorite. I'd like this to be one of those go to stops on the idea wagon.

Navigating the site...
Home is where you can find updates about the art room, whether it be new classroom procedures or exciting new big projects happening in the school.

Past and current lessons are under the corresponding grade level. These have a similar format throughout: Title of the lesson, description of the lesson, art vocabulary and pictures.

In Student Resources you'll find links to student safe sites to explore art making, as well as, art history. 

Student News is a place for students to find information on new happenings in the art room, and any reminders.

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